Imagine living in Glenelg in the early 1900’s with a kitchen smaller than most modern residential entrance halls. Yes, bu mid-century this had been replaced by a gas cooker surrounded by a concrete hob. Still no bench kitchen tops or storage! This was the reality for our client for many years until we added a touch of coastal elegance to her kitchen!
Adjacent to the small kitchen was a dysfunctional pantry almost twice the size!
The brief for this design was to deliver something ‘light and bright’, preferably with profiled cabinet doors in keeping with the tradition of the 100+ year old home.
In addition to the need for preparation space, storage and modern-day appliances, this kitchen also had the unique need to incorporate a laundry.
Preserving the existing North facing large window was essential in retaining the character of the home. The direction of this window was also important to ensure the space had excellent natural lighting.
Naturally, deciding to remove the wall between the kitchen and pantry was a no-brainer. Removing this wall opened the space up significantly, allowing for more usable space.
Due to the homes proximity to the beach, we decided to give this kitchen a subtle coastal elegance with a neutral colour palette.
The galley kitchen design was a fantastic solution for this space. The design solution offers significant cabinetry storage options and a surplus of functional bench top.
The combination of some clever and functional joinery solutions created a kitchen that our client can enjoy using for many more years to come.
A dual opening appliance hutch, sideways placed broom cupboard and a surplus of drawers increase the kitchens functionality significantly.
Pine timber flooring, stone bench tops and a subtle wave feature wall tile all contribute to a visual delight.
Designed and built by the Brilliant SA team.
Designer Bronwyn Aldridge.