Nestled in the foothills of Torrens park, this complete home renovation completely transformed the kitchen, lounge, laundry, ensuite, living room, and home office of this traditional late 50’s home. This renovation was designed to accommodate the ever-growing needs of a young family. Our clients desired more modern and functional spaces and the introduction of lots of natural light.
Home Office
This home office was designed to support our busy professional client with their desire for a specialty home office space, as well as creating a space that could be utilised as a homework or craft room. Two Corner desks were custom designed to work around the existing window and leadlight window. A laminate benchtop was selected as it is durable and fit for purpose. Floating coloured MDF shelves incorporate LED task lighting and soft LED up lighting as a mood feature. Echopanel Latitude 12mm woven cladding enables the clients to pin artwork, office papers, and other important items to the walls, with drawer pins.
Designed and built by the Brilliant SA team.
Designer: Steve Mahlo.
Supervisor: David Lamond.